
Latest version: v0.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies



*Released 14th Feb 2020*

This is gearing up for a soft beta launch with friendly testers:

* Major changes to repository structure allowing future custom modules,
* Alias ability inside of register
* The AWS resources split into ``riffdog_aws`` repository,
* Introduction of ``depends_on`` and refactor of the ``Resource`` framework.



*Released 13th Feb 2020*

Large change to the base loaders, interface of modules, and addition of several key scanners.

* Dynamic module loading, decorator based register
* AWS S3 bucket inspector
* AWS DB inspector
* Automated tests - Bandit & Lint via github actions
* ``--exclude-resource`` option for faster scanning
* Legalish - code of conduct & readme updates



*Released 12th Feb 2020*

Update to framework including prototype Result framework & output formatting and config fixes.

* ``--json`` format included, move to ``ReportElement``
* ``--region`` setting to allow control over AWS Region being scanned
* Tabular output
* Resolution of edge cases of 'nothing found' etc.



*Released 11th Feb 2020*

Alpha releases to get basic framework availible and running for some use cases (i.e. AWS EC2 instances)

* State Scanner framework
* Basic output



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