
Latest version: v2.0.1

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- Multi processor can now load additional and close selected files.
- Add special plots for histograms in `guis`.

What's Changed
* Update docs / Program description by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/13
* Add GUIs for histograms (special functions) by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/14
* Refractor plot functions by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/15
* Update issue templates by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/16
* Implement Add/Remove Files for Multiprocessor by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/17
* bump version v2.0.0.dev1 -> v2.0.0.dev2 by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/18

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/compare/v2.0.0.dev1...v2.0.0.dev2


Bug fixes and a couple of new features.

What's Changed
* Update documentation by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/8
* Update Anaconda Installation and upgrade by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/9
* Bug Fix tof data range cut by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/10
* LST2CRD proposes channel(s) for signals if user chose wrong by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/11
* bump version 2.0.0.dev0 -> 2.0.0.dev1 by trappitsch in https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/pull/12

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval/compare/v2.0.0.dev0...v2.0.0.dev1


This is the first version of the RIMSEval GUI. Attached installer can be used on Windows, macOS will be supported in a future release.

This version of the GUI wraps around `rimseval` package v2.0.0.dev0.

Please report issues on GitHub: GUI issues should be reported in the [GUI repo](https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEvalGUI), package issue in the [package repo](https://github.com/RIMS-Code/RIMSEval). If you are unsure which part your issue relates to, simply pick a repo to post in.

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