- Updated the build environment from Python 3.8 to Python 3.10 (the rimu-py package itself remains compatible with Python 3.8 and up).
- Moved the development environment from a Docker container to a Conda virtual environment (this eliminates the need for Docker and having to develop remotely in a Docker container).
- Added `^[caption](url)` link syntax which opens the link in a new browser tab. - Added [`important`, `note`, `tip` and `warning`]({tips}important-note-tip-and-warning-styles) admonition classes to [rimuc]({reference}rimuc-command) styled outputs.
- Updates ported from [Rimu 7 JavaScript 11.1.8](https://srackham.github.io/rimu/changelog.html).
- Updates ported from [Rimu 7 JavaScript 11.1.7](https://srackham.github.io/rimu/changelog.html).