* update for rio-tiler==2.0.0rc * internal refactor of the Landsat8 reader * add `sentinel.aws.sentinel2.S2JP2Reader` and `aws.sentinel2.S2COGReader` proxies to readers.
python from rio_tiler_pds.sentinel.aws import S2COGReader, S2JP2Reader
with S2JP2Reader("S2A_L2A_20170729_19UDP_0") as scene: print(type(scene)) >>> <class 'rio_tiler_pds.sentinel.aws.sentinel2.S2L2AReader'>
with S2JP2Reader("S2A_L1C_20170729_19UDP_0") as scene: print(type(scene)) >>> <class 'rio_tiler_pds.sentinel.aws.sentinel2.S2L1CReader'>
with S2COGReader("S2A_29RKH_20200219_0_L2A") as scene: print(type(scene)) >>> <class 'rio_tiler_pds.sentinel.aws.sentinel2.S2L2ACOGReader'>
* add `TMS` options to adapt for rio-tiler 2.0.0b17 (ref: https://github.com/cogeotiff/rio-tiler/pull/285)
* Update sentinel2-cogs image path (https://github.com/cogeotiff/rio-tiler-pds/pull/22). * Remove ContextManager requirement in base class and update for rio-tiler 2.0b13 (https://github.com/cogeotiff/rio-tiler/pull/265). * Add MODIS (PDS and Astraea) dataset (https://github.com/cogeotiff/rio-tiler-pds/issues/18) * move reader base classes to rio-tiler (https://github.com/cogeotiff/rio-tiler-pds/issues/24) * add missing `0` (e.g "B1" -> "B01") when user forget it on sentinel and modis band names (https://github.com/cogeotiff/rio-tiler-pds/issues/25)
* add support for CBERS-4A (author fredliporace)
* Revert the use of `assets` options to `bands` (12)
python from rio_tiler_pds.landsat.aws import L8Reader
with L8Reader("LC08_L1TP_016037_20170813_20170814_01_RT") as landsat: in 0.1.1 (PAST) tile, data = landsat.tile(x, y, z, assets="B1")
in 0.2.0 (NOW) tile, data = landsat.tile(x, y, z, bands="B1")