
Latest version: v6.6.1

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* switch from `functools.lru_cache` to `cachetools.LRUCache` to allow unashable options in `` function (


* avoid useless call to `transform_bounds` if input/output CRS are equals (
* make sure `geographic_bounds` don't return inf or nan values (


* no change since `3.0.0a6`


* add `rio_tiler.utils.resize_array` to resize array to a given width/height (
* use `resize_array` in `ImageData.create_from_list` to avoid trying merging array of different sizes (

**breaking changes**

* update `MultiBaseReader` and `MultiBandReader` to be their own abstract classes instead of being subclass of `BaseReader`.
* put `reader` attribute outside of the `__init__` method for `MultiBaseReader` and `MultiBandReader`.


* allow the definition of `geographic_crs` used in the `geographic_bounds` property (
* use `contextlib.ExitStack` to better manager opening/closing rasterio dataset (
* moves `BBox, ColorTuple, Indexes, NoData, NumType` type definitions in `rio_tiler.types` (
* better types definition for ColorMap objects (
* fix some types issues (


* refactor `SpatialMixin.tile_exists` to compare the bounds in the dataset's coordinate system to avoid coordinates overflow (a TMS CRS bounds can be smaller than the dataset CRS bounds) (

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