
Latest version: v0.9.0

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What's Changed
* implemented "riptide config-get" by hktudock in
* add "--machine-readable" flag to "riptide db-list" by hktudock in
* fixed that the "new update available" message being shown, even if the user is already on the newest version

New Contributors
* hktudock made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


- Fixed wrong wording in the upgrade instructions when a new release is available.


- Compatibility with Configcrunch 1.0.0 and Riptide Lib 0.7.0
- When a new Riptide version is available a note will now be shown in the command line (checked once a day) (6)


- Support for new internal flag used by the Xdebug plugin.


- Support for showing a traceback when `-v` is passed to `riptide start/stop/restart` for each service start/stop error.


- The behavior of `riptide start` has been changed:
- By default it will now only start the Project's `default_services`, or all if not set.
- By passing the flag `--all/-a` all services are started.
- By passing the `--services/-s` flag only select services are started (like before).
- The behavior of `riptide stop` has been changed:
- By default it will stop all running services (like before).
- By passing the flag `--default/-d` only the project's `default_services` are stopped.
- By passing the `--services/-s` flag only select services are stopped (like before).
- The behavior of `riptide restart` has been changed:
- By default it will restart all currently running services.
- By passing the flag `--all/-a` flag, all services are restarted, even services that were not running.
- By passing the flag `--default/-d` only the project's `default_services` are restarted.
- By passing the `--services/-s` flag only select services are restarted (like before).
- `project-list` now lists projects alphabetically.

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