
Latest version: v0.9.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixes an issue where when containers in linked projects would be added to networks multiple times, an exception would be raised, preventing the container from being added to all networks.


- Fixes an issue that made delete operations not work ("document needs to be frozen first").


- Compatibility with Configcrunch 1.0.0 and Riptide Lib 0.7.0
- Fixed an error when running `riptide update` and an image wasn't found. Instead shows a warning (4).


- Fix `pre_start` commands being run as root if `run_as_current_user` was `False` for a service and `run_pre_start_as_current_user` was `True` for a service: They are now correctly run as the current user.


- Implementation for the new interface method to get image labels


- Fixes an issue where Riptide didn't wait for background Docker containers to finish. This broke `riptide db-export` and `riptide db-import`, these commands work again now.

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