
Latest version: v1.25.3

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Fixed missing files in PYPI package
- Added `physical_addr_sz` field in model_isa.yaml


- updated ci to use latest twine
- using api-tokens for twine uploads


- updated cli to accept multiple cgf files similar to isac
- doc updates with fixes to broken links
- manifest fixed to include requirements file


- doc updates
- added contributing.rst file
- changed version maintenance procedure. Using bumpversion now.


- doc fix
- fix passing of cgf from command line to internal variable


- Adding coverage support using riscv-isac=0.3.0
- Adding default CGF file in the suite folder
- Re structured tests to be compatible with test-format spec and for coverage analysis
- Updated docs and test-format spec

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