
Latest version: v0.18.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Bug fix for error while using byte_count with overlap = Y.


- Adding support for floating point extension coverpoints
- Bug fixes for instruction decoder and improved pretty printing.
- fix for uninitialized total_categories variable in coverage.
- fixed CONTRIBUTING.rst file


- Bug fix for error while decoding instruction name


- Bug fix for error while generating Data Propagation Report.


- Added support for CSR coverage and its architectural state
- Updated the merge function to support multiprocessing
- Added a parameter '-p' ( number of processes ) in merge command
- Documentation update for CSR coverpoints
- Return value of parsers changed from 5 independent values (hexcode, addr, reg commmit, csr commit, mnemonics) to instruction object updated with these values
- Argument of decode and all decoding functions (in internaldecoder) changed from hexcode and addr to instruction object


- Documentation updates to reflect plugin usage.
- Minor bug fixes in coverage reporting.
- Improved CLI help messages.

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