
Latest version: v2.1.2

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Bugs on exposure are solved

Lots of bugs related to the library and also the UI improvements are done with this release.

What's Changed
* Exposure, loss and risk module written by ashokdahal
* Exposure fix by iamtekson in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/17
* update in classifying hazard map by ashokdahal in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/19
* minor fix by iamtekson in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/21
* Risk changes v2 to master branch by iamtekson in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/27
* Dev branch merged by iamtekson in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/28
* loss correction close 26 by iamtekson in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/29
* added_geojson loading by iamtekson in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/30
* Update geojson, risk and aggregation by ashokdahal in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/31
* point exposure calculation fix by iamtekson in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/44
* Exception handling: removed the try, expect block from write functions. by iamtekson in https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/pull/45

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/RiskChanges/RiskChanges/compare/v2...v2.1.0

v2 with full set of libraries


exposure module updated


Vulnerability module updated


datamanagement library update


update of the data management library


RiskChanges Alpha release for loss Analysis Library

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