
Latest version: v0.0.10

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* Breaking change with new feature
The keyword arguments `next` and `previous` have been replaced by integers `1` and `-1`.
Multiple tags can also be cycled by using integers with absolute values greater than `1`.

* Additional new feature
Added `--skip-occupied` option that works in an analogous way to `--skip-empty`.

Thanks to Campbell Barton for help with keeping `--all-outputs` working when combined
with the `--skip` options.


New Features
- Add --follow option to move focused view when cycling - courtesy Campbell Barton
- Add --all-outputs option for simultaneous cycling on all outputs - courtesy Campbell Barton
- Add --skip-empty option to skip tags with no views when cycling


Feature: Ignore all tags > n_tags. This was prompted by a [PR](https://github.com/NickHastings/riverwm-utils/pull/5) from Campbell that worked around what was essentially a bug for users who implement the scratch pad feature. In the end it was simpler and cleaner to just ignore all tags > n_tags by default even though it changes the default behaviour of cycle-focused-tags.

Many small cleanups.


Bugfix: install xml protocol files.


Adds automatic running of pywayland scanner

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/NickHastings/riverwm-utils/compare/0.0.5...0.0.6


- Update documentation
- Cleanup code

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