
Latest version: v1.2.2

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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*) Added support for Python 3.3

*) Collapsion protection was reduced to "+ +" and "- -" sequences (which
still includes longer sequences like "+ ++")


*) "+ ++" and "- --" sequences are no longer collapsed. They were before,
because the original jsmin collapsed them, too.

*) Updated benchmarks, added slimit and removed jsmin v8 (because it produced
invalid results).

*) Removed "classic" regex variant.


*) Although it should work, python 2.3 is no longer supported.
(No suitable test environment)

*) "return /regex/" is now recognized as regex expression. It wasn't before,
because the original jsmin ignored that, too.


*) Add C extension reimplementing the regex from rjsmin.py


*) First stable release.

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