Breaking Changes
New Features
- Distributed optimization (SammyRamone)
- Added ``--load-checkpoints`` to load particular checkpoints
- Added ``--num-threads`` to enjoy script
- Added DQN support
- Added saving of command line args (SammyRamone)
- Added DDPG support
- Added version
- Added ``RMSpropTFLike`` support
Bug fixes
- Fixed optuna warning (SammyRamone)
- Fixed `--save-freq` which was not taking parallel env into account
- Set `buffer_size` to 1 when testing an Off-Policy model (e.g. SAC/DQN) to avoid memory allocation issue
- Fixed seed at load time for ``
- Non-deterministic eval when doing hyperparameter optimization on atari games
- Use 'maximize' for hyperparameter optimization (SammyRamone)
- Fixed a bug where reward where not normalized when doing hyperparameter optimization (caburu)
- Removed `nminibatches` from `ppo.yml` for `MountainCar-v0` and `Acrobot-v1`. (blurLake)
- Fixed `--save-replay-buffer` to be compatible with latest SB3 version
- Close environment at the end of training
- Updated DQN hyperparameters on simpler gym env (due to an update in the implementation)
- Reformat ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, `` (salmannotkhan)
- Reformat `` (salmannotkhan)
- Added codestyle check `make lint` using flake8
- Reformat `` (salmannotkhan)
- Added github ci
- Fixes most linter warnings
- Now using black and isort for auto-formatting
- Updated plots