
Latest version: v3.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Work around segfaults under Python 3 on Linux, which are caused by bad or
missing codecs. This restricts Linux to UTF-8 and Latin-1 locales only.
Also see rl `issue/5`_.

.. _`issue/5`: https://github.com/stefanholek/rl/issues#issue/5



- Switch readline download location to ftp.gnu.org for speed.



- In Python 3, convert to and from Unicode using filesystem encoding
and "surrogateescape" error handler. See `PEP 383`_ for the low-down.

.. _`PEP 383`: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0383/



- Fix GPL trove classifier.



- rl can now be installed into the system Python on Mac OS X, the only
dependency being Xcode Tools.

- Change license to PSF or GPL.



- Fix header detection under Fink on Mac OS X.

- Add ``readline_version`` API.

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