Major release: v0.5.0 is finally here! :rocket:
We are proud to finally release our latest version, 0.5.0, after much work done for NeurIPS!
(Will [our paper]( finally get accepted? :crossed_fingers:)
:sparkles: Features
* New documentation released at!
* Add SOTA FJSP environment LTluttmann
* Add Improvement methods and respective environments MDP yining043
* N2S
* NeuOpt
* Ade HetGNN model for the JFSP LTluttmann
* Add L2D model LTluttmann
* Add Multi-task VRP (MTVRP) environment
* Add temperature in NARGNN policies Furffico
* Add multiple batch sizes for different dataset
* Local search support, DeepACO + Local search hyeok9855
* Add MTPOMO, MVMoE model RoyalSkye FeiLiu36
* Supporting the meta learning trainer jieyibi
* Supporting the improvement training yining043
* Add graph problems: MCP and FLP bokveizen
* New PPO versions:
* Stepwise LTluttmann
* Improvement yining043
* PolyNet support ahottung
* Different distributions support + MDPOMO jieyibi
* Add initial support for solvers API from RL4CO (MTVRP): PyVRP, OR-Tools, LKH3 N-Wouda leonlan
* Faster data logprobs collection: now we don't need to collect logprobs for unused trajectories, but we gather only logprobs for selected nodes by default, which decreases memory consumption
* Add Codecov to track the tests coverage
:gear: Refactoring
* [Environment] Supporting generator_params arguments for environments, more modularized and flexible.
* Modularization of the Attention Model decoder’s QKV calculation for more flexibility LTluttmann
* Refactor the MatNet encoder with the cross attention only needs to be calculated once LTluttmann
:memo: Documentation
* New documentation based on MkDocs
* Fast search
* Beautiful (we hope you'll like it!) new homepage
* New API reference, about section
* Ad-free website
* Light/Dark mode
* New about sections (licensing, citation)
* ...and more!
* New tutorial on data distributions
* Miscellaneous: fix Colab links wouterkool
:bug: Bug Fixes
* Fix the DeepACO’s log_heuristic calculation bug to raise the performance. Furffico henry-yeh
* Solve memory leakage during the autoregressive decoding LTluttmann
* Python versioning: remove Python 3.8, compatibility with Python 3.12, and poetry support ShuN6211
* Compatibility with tensordict>=0.5.0
* Memory leak in OP and PCTSP
* Fix A2C bug: optimize all parameters in module instead of only "policy" by default
* Fix double logging parameters, better logging in Wandb