
Latest version: v1.0.0a4

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Minor update to interval publishing to allow for more accurate status publishing intervals.

- Added an optional delay parameter to the publish_status method, allowing for a specified delay at the start of the interval, rather than forcing all delay to the end.
- This delay parameter must be a float and cannot be greater than the interval parameter.
- Any delay at the start of the loop will be subtracted from the total interval delay at the end. For example, an interval of 10 seconds with a 2 second delay will delay 2 seconds before generating the publish data, and will then delay the additional 8 seconds after publishing.
- Reworked the interval timing to ensure accurate intervals, even if generating the publish data takes some time.
- Now, before generating the data, rmqtools gets the current time. It then gets the time after publishing and subtracts the total time taken to publish from the ending delay interval.
- This ensures that if the delay parameter is set to 10 seconds, the publisher will publish every 10 seconds, rather than adding 10 seconds to the total data generation time.
- Both of these changes allow for greater flexibility when implementing publish sequences, ensuring that sequence order is maintained through accurate timing.


Added support for error handling in rmqtools.

- Rmqtools now implements a custom base exception, RmqError to be properly used in the future for error catching.
- Right now, RmqError is only used as the default error handler when sending RPC commands.
- Error handling is now supported within RPC command threads, implemented by passing an error handler function in the same manner as timeout handlers.


Added a timeout feature to RPC commands.


Removes debugging lines from the alpha release and improves some examples.


The alpha release of version 1.0.0, now containing documentation of the core API. Version 1.0.0 is planned to release for production when the examples are finished.


Initial development release with main module structure in place. This release is unstable and may contain bugs.

Please note that documentation is not yet finished and will not be until version 1.0.0 is released.

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