- Enhancement: Added cache invalidation after :code:`rmr.views.Json.last_modified()` value has been changed - Enhancement: Added 'Last-Modified', 'Cache-Control' and 'Expires' headers to the HTTP responses with 304 status code
- Enhancement: Added :code:`rmr.utils.iterate.consume()` - Enhancement: Added base :code:`rmr.forms.OffsetLimit` validation form - Fix: :code:`Json.get_range()` raises an error when set 'limit_max' and 'limit' is not provided
- Enhancement: Added 'request' instance property to the :code:`rmr.views.Json` - Enhancement: :code:`rmr.views.decorators.validate.validate_request()` replaces request's GET and POST by validated ones
- Enhancement: Added HTTP-caching headers management to the :code:`rmr.views.Json` - Enhancement: Moved :code:`validate_request` decorator to :code:`rmr.views.decorators.validation` module - Enhancement: Removed :code:`rmr.views.Json.get_device_id()` method
- Enhancement: Added :code:`rmr.utils.iterate.multimap()` - Enhancement: Added decorator :code:`rmr.views.validate_request()` - Enhancement: Added custom form fields :code:`rmr.forms.MultiValueField` and :code:`rmr.forms.BooleanField` for JSON form validation purpose