Catalog version incremented to 0.2; 0.2.x will be used for versions produced during the paper writing and review.
From this point forward, catalogs will be called consolidated_catalog rather than master_catalog.
Within the GitHub repository the catalogs will be ZIPed to reduce data size.
Fixed catalog for POGS-II (Riseley 2020) to be bibcode.
Fixed fracpol column in old CGPS RMs (Brown 2003) and SGPS (Brown 2007), was in percent now in fraction.
Added rmsf_fwhm values from paper texts, for: 2009ApJ...707..114F, 2012ApJ...755...21M, 2015ApJ...815...49A, 2018A&A...613A..58V, 2018PASA...35...43R, 2019ApJ...871..215B, 2019ApJ...887L...7S, 2020MNRAS.497.3097M, 2020PASA...37...29R
Updated SPASS-ATCA catalog (2019MNRAS.485.1293S): fixed incorrect reference frequencies, added spectral index errors, added 2nd fitted components to catalog (3rd components were not in table, so still ignored), added position errors (adding RA/Dec errors into quadrature)
Converted consolidated catalog to table version 1.2, removing deprecated columns and adding the aperture column as appropriate where known. Reviewing all coordinates and converting to ICRS as appropriate.
Taylor 2009: Added pos_err column, taking maximum of Declination or Right Ascension (corrected for units, declination effects) error. Converted coordintes from J2000 to ICRS.
Van Eck 2017: Added pos_err column, same method. Converted coordinates.
Schnitzeler 2019: Corrected pos_err column to use same method as above (previously was incorrect). flux_type added with new value: visibilities (fluxes estimated from uv-data, without imaging). Converted coordinates.
Mao 2010, 2012a, 2012b: Added flux_type and aperture. Converted coordinates.
O'Sullivan 2017: Fixed incorrect values for rm_width and rm_width_err where values should be missing.
Rossetti 2008: Added more accurate coordinates by cross-matching to B3 catalog, except for one source which had no counterpart (possible typo in source name?).
Kim 2016: Fixed mistaken telescope column; converted coordinates.
Papers that have had equatorial coordinates converted from J2000 to ICRS:
Riseley 2018, Betti 2019, Costa 2016, 2018, Anderson 2015, Brown 2003, 2007, Feain 2009, Van Eck 2011, Simard-Normandin 1981, Klein 2003, Roy 2005, Mao 2008, Heald 2009, Vernstrom 2018, Law 2011, Broten 1988, Clegg 1992, Oren 1995, Minter 1996, Shanahan 2019, Gaensler 2001, Clarke 2001, Riseley 2020
Added new catalogs:
Livingston 2021: provided RMTable by author
Farnes 2014
Van Eck 2021 (New CGPS). Minor updates from published version: catalog name changed to bib code, data reference added for CGPS survey description paper, coordinates converted from J2000 to ICRS