
Latest version: v3.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Truncate worksheet titles if they exceed maximum length as defined by
the spreadsheet writing libraries.




* Add ``--pad`` option: for 'NearestTranscriptsToPeakEdge' and
'NearestTSSToPeakEdge' analyses, where necessary adds blank lines to
output files and spreadsheet so that each reported peak has the same
number of lines associated regardless of the number of hits.




* Fixed bug in overlap determination, which manifested when a gene was on
the negative strand *and* was also wider than the peak. In those cases
the start and end of the gene were being assigned incorrectly way around.

(The bug didn't affect results for other genes on the negative strand
which were narrower than the peak.)

Note that this bug would have a similar effect on determining whether a
peak was within the promoter region of a gene on the negative strand.
However the lists of nearest genes/peaks were not affected and the results
should otherwise have been correct.




* Added explanatory text to the "notes" page of the output XLS spreadsheet
and standardised naming of output files to match XLS page titles.
* Minor updates to READMEs/documentation.




* Output files now use ``<Rna-Seq-file>_vs_<ChIP-Seq-file>``
as the default basename (unless overridden by the
``--project`` option).
* Added example data files in new ``examples`` directory.




* Added ``setup.py`` into an installable Python package.
* Updated documentation.


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