* core:
- add tolists, topandas and frompandas methods to FeaturList
- add tobiopython and frombiopython methods to BioSeq and BioBasket classes to convert to or convert from biopython objects
- add tobiotite and frombiotite methods to BioSeq and BioBasket classes to convert to or convert from biotite objects
- remove the toobj and fromobj methods from BioSeq and BioBasket classes instead
- add BioBasket.merge method to merge sequences of the same id into a single sequence
- add BioBasket.plot_alignment method
- add BioSeq.slindex method
- add update_fts option to translate
- switch default value of inplace option to False for filter methods
* io:
- writers: allow to pass None as fname, in this case a string will be returned
- add GTF IO support for features
- add TSV/CSV IO support for features
- add SJSON IO support for features (custom lossless file format), add private option to write private metadata
- add the possibility to read GFF files for old format versions
- allow to write compressed files just by specifying the filename extension
- add a sugar header comment for some writers (stockholm, gff, gtf)
- glob expressions in file names are now evaluated in sorted order
- remove the tool option for reading and writing, use the new to/from methods instead
* scripts:
- rename convert and convertf commands to cat and catf, respectively, also accept multiple files as input
- add merge command to merge sequence files
* index: rename get method to get_basket, add get_seq method
* add imaging module with plot_alignment function
* substantially improve the documentation