Searching with gramm params fixed – Issue 3 closed.
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Changed * Parsing structure corrected. * `is_http_request_correct` and `whether_result_found` joined, amount of operations deteriorated. * Order of receiving pages corrected. * Corpus init divided: `_from_file`, `_from_Corpus`.
Added * ParallelCorpus. * Adding found wordforms to the Corpus initting from file.
Not secure
Changed * Marking found wordforms with `re`. * Logging simplified. * Exceptions catching and evaluating. * Some methods became static. * `__repr__` and `__str__` methods in `Example` and `Corpus`. * Ex_type init fixed. * Docs corrected. * Now one can dump data to files even if they exist.
Added To `Corpus` * Set classmethods. * Clear function. * NotImplementedError in `Corpus._parse_doc`. * Setitem method. * `Restrict show` param: by default Corpus shows in print 50 examples. One can change this param or turn the restriction off.
To `__init__` * Func to set stream_handlers levels. * Func to set file_handlers levels. * Func to set loggers levels.
To `Example` * `data` property, more changes with this. * Setter methods.