
Latest version: v0.7.5

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Minor changes to protocol to increase efficiency.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/acehoss/rnsh/compare/release/v0.0.5...release/v0.0.6


What's Changed
* Fix running initiator from a script/pipe by acehoss in https://github.com/acehoss/rnsh/pull/1
* Remote command line options by acehoss in https://github.com/acehoss/rnsh/pull/2

Remote command line and pipe compatibility
Command line options have changed somewhat to allow the initiator to supply a command line. This allows `rnsh` to function similarly to SSH. You can pipe into or out of `rnsh` to send input through remote commands or remote command output through other commands.

This behavior can be blocked on the listener with the `-C` option.

When the initiator does not supply a command, the listener uses a default command specified on its command line. If a default command is not specified, the listener falls back to the shell of the user it is running under.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/acehoss/rnsh/compare/release/v0.0.4...release/v0.0.5


Align version numbers.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/acehoss/rnsh/compare/release/v0.0.3...release/v0.0.4


Performance and stability enhancements.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/acehoss/rnsh/compare/release/v0.0.2...release/v0.0.3


Fix for minor issue with some command line options.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/acehoss/rnsh/compare/release/v0.0.1...release/v0.0.2


First release!

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/acehoss/rnsh/commits/release/v0.0.1

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