
Latest version: v1.4.3

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* Fix for python 3.7 support: remove 'async' keyword from SimpleProducer (dpkp 1454)

* Improve BrokerConnection initialization time (romulorosa 1475)
* Ignore MetadataResponses with empty broker list (dpkp 1506)
* Improve connection handling when bootstrap list is invalid (dpkp 1507)

* Check for immediate failure when looking up coordinator in heartbeat thread (dpkp 1457)

Core / Protocol
* Always acquire client lock before coordinator lock to avoid deadlocks (dpkp 1464)
* Added AlterConfigs and DescribeConfigs apis (StephenSorriaux 1472)
* Fix CreatePartitionsRequest_v0 (StephenSorriaux 1469)
* Add codec validators to record parser and builder for all formats (tvoinarovskyi 1447)
* Fix MemoryRecord bugs re error handling and add test coverage (tvoinarovskyi 1448)
* Force lz4 to disable Kafka-unsupported block linking when encoding (mnito 1476)
* Stop shadowing `ConnectionError` (jeffwidman 1492)

* Document methods that return None (jeffwidman 1504)
* Minor doc capitalization cleanup (jeffwidman)
* Adds add_callback/add_errback example to docs (Berkodev 1441)
* Fix KafkaConsumer docstring for request_timeout_ms default (dpkp 1459)

Test Infrastructure
* Skip flakey SimpleProducer test (dpkp)
* Fix skipped integration tests if KAFKA_VERSION unset (dpkp 1453)

Logging / Error Messages
* Stop using deprecated log.warn() (jeffwidman)
* Change levels for some heartbeat thread logging (dpkp 1456)
* Log Heartbeat thread start / close for debugging (dpkp)


* Close leaked selector in version check (dpkp 1425)
* Fix `BrokerConnection.connection_delay()` to return milliseconds (dpkp 1414)
* Use local copies in `Fetcher._fetchable_partitions` to avoid mutation errors (dpkp 1400)
* Fix error var name in `_unpack` (j2gg0s 1403)
* Fix KafkaConsumer compacted offset handling (dpkp 1397)
* Fix byte size estimation with kafka producer (blakeembrey 1393)
* Fix coordinator timeout in consumer poll interface (braedon 1384)

* Add `BrokerConnection.connect_blocking()` to improve bootstrap to multi-address hostnames (dpkp 1411)
* Short-circuit `BrokerConnection.close()` if already disconnected (dpkp 1424)
* Only increase reconnect backoff if all addrinfos have been tried (dpkp 1423)
* Make BrokerConnection .host / .port / .afi immutable to avoid incorrect 'metadata changed' checks (dpkp 1422)
* Connect with sockaddrs to support non-zero ipv6 scope ids (dpkp 1433)
* Check timeout type in KafkaClient constructor (asdaraujo 1293)
* Update string representation of SimpleClient (asdaraujo 1293)
* Do not validate `api_version` against known versions (dpkp 1434)

* Avoid tight poll loop in consumer when brokers are down (dpkp 1415)
* Validate `max_records` in KafkaConsumer.poll (dpkp 1398)
* KAFKA-5512: Awake heartbeat thread when it is time to poll (dpkp 1439)

* Validate that serializers generate bytes-like (or None) data (dpkp 1420)

Core / Protocol
* Support alternative lz4 package: lz4framed (everpcpc 1395)
* Use hardware accelerated CRC32C function if available (tvoinarovskyi 1389)
* Add Admin CreatePartitions API call (alexef 1386)

Test Infrastructure
* Close KafkaConsumer instances during tests (dpkp 1410)
* Introduce new fixtures to prepare for migration to pytest (asdaraujo 1293)
* Removed pytest-catchlog dependency (asdaraujo 1380)
* Fixes racing condition when message is sent to broker before topic logs are created (asdaraujo 1293)
* Add kafka 1.0.1 release to test fixtures (dpkp 1437)

Logging / Error Messages
* Re-enable logging during broker version check (dpkp 1430)
* Connection logging cleanups (dpkp 1432)
* Remove old CommitFailed error message from coordinator (dpkp 1436)


* Fix consumer poll stuck error when no available partition (ckyoog 1375)
* Increase some integration test timeouts (dpkp 1374)
* Use raw in case string overriden (jeffwidman 1373)
* Fix pending completion IndexError bug caused by multiple threads (dpkp 1372)


This is a substantial release. Although there are no known 'showstopper' bugs as of release,
we do recommend you test any planned upgrade to your application prior to running in production.

Some of the major changes include:
* We have officially dropped python 2.6 support
* The KafkaConsumer now includes a background thread to handle coordinator heartbeats
* API protocol handling has been separated from networking code into a new class, KafkaProtocol
* Added support for kafka message format v2
* Refactored DNS lookups during kafka broker connections
* SASL authentication is working (we think)
* Removed several circular references to improve gc on close()

Thanks to all contributors -- the state of the kafka-python community is strong!

Detailed changelog are listed below:

* Fixes for SASL support
* Refactor SASL/gssapi support (dpkp 1248 1249 1257 1262 1280)
* Add security layer negotiation to the GSSAPI authentication (asdaraujo 1283)
* Fix overriding sasl_kerberos_service_name in KafkaConsumer / KafkaProducer (natedogs911 1264)
* Fix typo in _try_authenticate_plain (everpcpc 1333)
* Fix for Python 3 byte string handling in SASL auth (christophelec 1353)
* Move callback processing from BrokerConnection to KafkaClient (dpkp 1258)
* Use socket timeout of request_timeout_ms to prevent blocking forever on send (dpkp 1281)
* Refactor dns lookup in BrokerConnection (dpkp 1312)
* Read all available socket bytes (dpkp 1332)
* Honor reconnect_backoff in conn.connect() (dpkp 1342)

* KAFKA-3977: Defer fetch parsing for space efficiency, and to raise exceptions to user (dpkp 1245)
* KAFKA-4034: Avoid unnecessary consumer coordinator lookup (dpkp 1254)
* Handle lookup_coordinator send failures (dpkp 1279)
* KAFKA-3888 Use background thread to process consumer heartbeats (dpkp 1266)
* Improve KafkaConsumer cleanup (dpkp 1339)
* Fix coordinator join_future race condition (dpkp 1338)
* Avoid KeyError when filtering fetchable partitions (dpkp 1344)
* Name heartbeat thread with group_id; use backoff when polling (dpkp 1345)
* KAFKA-3949: Avoid race condition when subscription changes during rebalance (dpkp 1364)
* Fix 1239 regression to avoid consuming duplicate compressed messages from mid-batch (dpkp 1367)

* Fix timestamp not passed to RecordMetadata (tvoinarovskyi 1273)
* Raise non-API exceptions (jeffwidman 1316)
* Fix reconnect_backoff_max_ms default config bug in KafkaProducer (YaoC 1352)

Core / Protocol
* Add kafka.protocol.parser.KafkaProtocol w/ receive and send (dpkp 1230)
* Refactor MessageSet and Message into LegacyRecordBatch to later support v2 message format (tvoinarovskyi 1252)
* Add DefaultRecordBatch implementation aka V2 message format parser/builder. (tvoinarovskyi 1185)
* optimize util.crc32 (ofek 1304)
* Raise better struct pack/unpack errors (jeffwidman 1320)
* Add Request/Response structs for kafka broker 1.0.0 (dpkp 1368)

* use python standard max value (lukekingbru 1303)
* changed for to use enumerate() (TheAtomicOption 1301)
* Explicitly check for None rather than falsey (jeffwidman 1269)
* Minor Exception cleanup (jeffwidman 1317)
* Use non-deprecated exception handling (jeffwidman a699f6a)
* Remove assertion with side effect in client.wakeup() (bgedik 1348)
* use absolute imports everywhere (kevinkjt2000 1362)

Test Infrastructure
* Use kafka broker for integration testing (dpkp 1357 1244)
* Add a Makefile to help build the project, generate docs, and run tests (tvoinarovskyi 1247)
* Add fixture support for 1.0.0 broker (dpkp 1275)
* Add kafka 1.0.0 to travis integration tests (dpkp 1365)
* Change fixture default host to localhost (asdaraujo 1305)
* Minor test cleanups (dpkp 1343)
* Use latest pytest 3.4.0, but drop pytest-sugar due to incompatibility (dpkp 1361)

* Expand metrics docs (jeffwidman 1243)
* Fix docstring (jeffwidman 1261)
* Added controlled thread shutdown to (TheAtomicOption 1268)
* Add license to wheel (jeffwidman 1286)
* Use correct casing for MB (jeffwidman 1298)

Logging / Error Messages
* Fix two bugs in printing bytes instance (jeffwidman 1296)


* Fix partition assignment race condition (jeffwidman 1240)
* Fix consumer bug when seeking / resetting to the middle of a compressed messageset (dpkp 1239)
* Fix traceback sent to stderr not logging (dbgasaway 1221)
* Stop using mutable types for default arg values (jeffwidman 1213)
* Remove a few unused imports (jameslamb 1188)

* Refactor BrokerConnection to use asynchronous receive_bytes pipe (dpkp 1032)

* Drop unused sleep kwarg to poll (dpkp 1177)
* Enable KafkaConsumer beginning_offsets() and end_offsets() with older broker versions (buptljy 1200)
* Validate consumer subscription topic strings (nikeee 1238)

* Small fixes to SASL documentation and logging; validate security_protocol (dpkp 1231)
* Various typo and grammar fixes (jeffwidman)


* Avoid multiple connection attempts when refreshing metadata (dpkp 1067)
* Catch socket.errors when sending / recving bytes on wake socketpair (dpkp 1069)
* Deal with brokers that reappear with different IP address (originsmike 1085)
* Fix join-time-max and sync-time-max metrics to use Max() measure function (billyevans 1146)
* Raise AssertionError when decompression unsupported (bts-webber 1159)
* Catch ssl.EOFErrors on Python3.3 so we close the failing conn (Ormod 1162)
* Select on sockets to avoid busy polling during bootstrap (dpkp 1175)
* Initialize metadata_snapshot in group coordinator to avoid unnecessary rebalance (dpkp 1174)

* Timeout idle connections via connections_max_idle_ms (dpkp 1068)
* Warn, dont raise, on DNS lookup failures (dpkp 1091)
* Support exponential backoff for broker reconnections -- KIP-144 (dpkp 1124)
* Add gssapi support (Kerberos) for SASL (Harald-Berghoff 1152)
* Add private map of api key -> min/max versions to BrokerConnection (dpkp 1169)

* Backoff on unavailable group coordinator retry (dpkp 1125)
* Only change_subscription on pattern subscription when topics change (Artimi 1132)
* Add offsets_for_times, beginning_offsets and end_offsets APIs (tvoinarovskyi 1161)

* Raise KafkaTimeoutError when flush times out (infecto)
* Set producer atexit timeout to 0 to match del (Ormod 1126)

Core / Protocol
* protocol updates (only - no client support yet) (dpkp 1127)
* Make UnknownTopicOrPartitionError retriable error (tvoinarovskyi)

Test Infrastructure
* pylint 1.7.0+ supports python 3.6 and merge py36 into common testenv (jianbin-wei 1095)
* Add kafka into integration testing version (jianbin-wei 1096)
* Disable automated tests for python 2.6 and kafka 0.8.0 and (jianbin-wei 1096)
* Support manual py26 testing; dont advertise 3.3 support (dpkp)
* Add server resources, fix tests for 0.11 brokers (dpkp)
* Use fixture hostname, dont assume localhost (dpkp)
* Add to travis test matrix, remove; use scala 2.11 artifacts (dpkp 1176)

Logging / Error Messages
* Improve error message when expiring batches in KafkaProducer (dpkp 1077)
* Update producer.send docstring -- raises KafkaTimeoutError (infecto)
* Use logging's built-in string interpolation (jeffwidman)
* Fix produce timeout message (melor 1151)
* Fix producer batch expiry messages to use seconds (dnwe)

* Fix typo in KafkaClient docstring (jeffwidman 1054)
* Update README: Prefer python-lz4 over lz4tools (kiri11 1057)
* Fix poll() hyperlink in KafkaClient (jeffwidman)
* Update RTD links with https / .io (jeffwidman 1074)
* Describe consumer thread-safety (ecksun)
* Fix typo in consumer integration test (jeffwidman)
* Note max_in_flight_requests_per_connection > 1 may change order of messages (tvoinarovskyi 1149)

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