
Latest version: v0.4.6

Safety actively analyzes 702307 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug Fixes
- Fixed weird circular import that appears in certain versions of python.


- All jobs can now access the worker object through the kwargs dictionary of any method in a job.
- Added alerts that allow you to have a method called when the health of the worker drops below a certain health threshold.
- Jobs now support retries.
- Use the retry_attempts argument when adding a job.

- Updated the web server api to now give more information.
- /your-key/api/ - Provides basic worker information.
- /your-key/api/worker/ - Provides worker and group information.
- /your-kwy/api/job/id/ - Provide detailed job information.

Bug Fixes
- Better handling for exiting all processes.
- Job execution is now at the right second.
- Fixed job status to properly manage job execution from getting stuck in an infinite run cycle.


- Cron now supports seconds by adding an additional parameter to the start of your cron string with the same functionality as minutes.

- Clock better supports a UTC adjustment now.
- You can now configure Robit's UTC globally.
- Monitor web interface has been removed.
- Worker web interface updates every second now.
- Removed socket communication in favor of shared memory communication.

Bug Fixes
- Health is now correctly updating.

- Deque for log record recording.
- Lower results log to 10 most recent records.

- Error handling when connecting to socket from client.

- Updating default socket port to 8100.

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