
Latest version: v0.5.3

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Improve documentation. Thanks tpugsley and rcutmore for improvements!
* Improve messages in error handling. Thanks again rcutmore!
* Fix default values for <select> fields. Thanks pohmelie for reporting!
* Simplify value property of field elements; delete `FieldMeta`.
* Move retry logic to requests and urllib3.


* Remove requirements parsing from ``.
* Don't pin to exact requirements versions. Thanks StuntsPT!
* Don't install tests along with package. Thanks voyageur!
* Handle empty select fields. Thanks pratyushmittal!
* Parse partial document correctly when lxml is installed. Thanks again pratyushmittal!
* Lint code with flake8.


* Add optional `session` argument to `RoboBrowser::__init__`
* Add optional `timeout` and `allow_redirects` options to `RoboBrowser::__init__`
* Allow `RoboBrowser::open`, `RoboBrowser::follow_link`, and `RoboBrowser::submit_form` to accept optional keyword arguments to requests (`timeout`, `verify`, etc.)
* *Backwards-incompatible*: Remove `auth`, `headers`, and `verify` arguments `from RoboBrowser::__init__`; session configuration should instead be passed in `session`
* *Backwards-incompatible*: Restrict `RoboBrowser::follow_link` to `link` argument; text strings and BeautifulSoup arguments no longer accepted


* Handle multi-option fields without "value" attributes


* Fix modeling of form fields to handle non-unique field names.
* Allow selection of submit button if multiple submits are present.



* First release on PyPI.



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