
Latest version: v2.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Get Capability added for easy access to desired capabilities


- Wait Until Page Contains / Page should contain text unicode fix

- Fix desiredCapability dict problem for Appium 1.6 compatibility


- Unicode better support
- Unicode supported now inside xpath text.
- Click Text iOS handling is much better now. Works regardless if text is name, value or label


- New finding elements strategy now supports directly using WebElement. Check keyword documentation for more information.
- Added default locator strategies. Default is: id and xpath check library introduction for more details.
- Click Text added as keyword in which you can directly click on found texts. Underlying it works on predefined xpath depending on platform.
- Unicode fixes also reflected on Page Should Contain Text and Page Should Not Contain Text
- Getting an element text is added and its helper keywords.


- ``swipe`` critical bug fix <>

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