
Latest version: v0.7.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* chore: Fix release ([`4344e77`](


* feat: add even more translations ([`defdea2`](

* feat: add more translations ([`5c1aa07`](


* fix: invalid keys in json file ([`bf69cb3`](


* Try to make automatic release ([`4e755c3`](

* chrore: Lint fixes ([`8c45922`](

* Also add README ([`58b7855`](

* Use allcontributors bot ([`165f6a7`](

* Define build and version ([`eea5188`](

* Also add deps ([`9d54c3b`](

* Define setuptools ([`dc0e5c8`](

* More to ignore ([`bdd4456`](

* invoke clean ([`dd08c82`](

* Back to setuptools ([`2e7aab3`](

* Add license ([`95cbf55`](

* Add more transaltions ([`47303ba`](

* Add .vscode/ to .gitignore ([`e478271`](

* Fix running test ([`400695f`](

* Add translation code and file ([`d4ca8a5`](

* Remove debug print ([`616bb92`](

* Add RoboTidy ([`49431db`](

* Add first test ([`c1eb611`](

* Run acceptance tests ([`375af18`](

* Fisrt utest ([`6669151`](

* Run utest ([`8640b70`](

* basic linting ([`d0ab18a`](

* Initial setup for project ([`94e4a67`](

* Initial commit ([`558960b`](

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