
Latest version: v2.0.3

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This release contains 1 bugfix and 1 enhancement:

48 - Exception when setting `retry_timeout` in `Notify Failure`
It was not possible to set retry tiemout. This is now *fixed*

49 - Implicit Retry Countdown
Prior this release, it was necessary to manage retries counter yourself. Although the algorithm is simple, it was overhead and bulky:

*** Test Case ***
Demo old behaviour
fetch workload my topic
${process_instance} get fetch response
IF None is not $process_instance['retries']
${counted_down_retries} Evaluate $process_instance['retries'] - 1
Notify Failure retries=${counted_down_retries}
Notify Failure retries=1

Now you can always set `retries`, but only when set for the first time, it is actually interpreted. If the process instance already has retries set, then CamundaLibrary is counting down retries automatically:
*** Test Case ***
Demo new behaviour
fetch workload my topic
Notify Failure retries=1

fetch workload my topic
this will now raise an incident, because retries had been set before and are now counted down to 0
Notify Failure retries=1


28 : Retrieve lock duration for task from environment variable

Lock duration for external tasks can now be set through environment variable : `CAMUNDA_TASK_LOCK_DURATION` . Value is in millisecond (1000 = 1 second). Default is 600000 (10 minutes).

The feature comes with 2 new keywords:
- `Set Task Lock Duration`
- `Reset Task Lock Duration`

34 : Get Process Instances
There was already the keyword `Get All Active Process Instances`. Additionally, it is now possible with `Get Process Instances` to query all kind of process instances from Camunda. Check out full capabilities at [Camunda REST API documentation]( Also keep in mind that in Robot the parameters are written in snake case, thus it is `process_definition_key` instead of ~processDefinitionKey~

7 : Introducing incident management
There are now 2 new keywords:
- `Notify failure`
- `Get incidents`

*** Settings ***
Library CamundaLibrary http://localhost:8080

*** Tasks ***
Demonstrate "notify failure"
${varialbes} fetch workload topic=${existing_topic}
${process_instance} Get fetch response

Do something with variables ${variables}

Notify failure

${incident} Get incidents process_instance_id=${process_instance}[process_instance_id]
Should Not Be Empty ${incident}

Notify failure
In addition to `complete`, `unlock`, `throw bpmn error` the new keyword `notify failure` is the 4th option to finish an external task. By calling `notify failure` an incident is created and the process instance is not available for the `fetch workload` keyword until the incident is resolved.

Get incidents
With the keyword `Get incidents` you can fetch incidents that match your filter arguments.


28 : Retrieve lock duration for task from environment variable

Lock duration for external tasks can now be set through environment variable : `CAMUNDA_TASK_LOCK_DURATION` . Value is in millisecond (1000 = 1 second). Default is 600000 (10 minutes).

The feature comes with 2 new keywords:
- `Set Task Lock Duration`
- `Reset Task Lock Duration`

34 : Get Process Instances
There was already the keyword `Get All Active Process Instances`. Additionally, it is now possible with `Get Process Instances` to query all kind of process instances from Camunda. Check out full capabilities at [Camunda REST API documentation]( Also keep in mind that in Robot the parameters are written in snake case, thus it is `process_definition_key` instead of ~processDefinitionKey~

7 : Introducing incident management
There are now 2 new keywords:
- `Notify failure`
- `Get incidents`

*** Settings ***
Library CamundaLibrary http://localhost:8080

*** Tasks ***
Demonstrate "notify failure"
${varialbes} fetch workload topic=${existing_topic}
${process_instance} Get fetch response

Do something with variables ${variables}

Notify failure

${incident} Get incidents process_instance_id=${process_instance}[process_instance_id]
Should Not Be Empty ${incident}

Notify failure
In addition to `complete`, `unlock`, `throw bpmn error` the new keyword `notify failure` is the 4th option to finish an external task. By calling `notify failure` an incident is created and the process instance is not available for the `fetch workload` keyword until the incident is resolved.

Get incidents
With the keyword `Get incidents` you can fetch incidents that match your filter arguments.


Failed to deploy version 1.7.0. Pipeline fixed now.


See 4

Throw bpmn error error_code=de1 error_message=Alles kaputt variables=${variables}


30 GET ACTIVITY INSTANCE returns now Dict instead of Dto
Makes the result easier to process in robot as you can now use simply key notation:
${activities} Get Activity Instance id=${process}[id]
Log ${activities}[child_acitivities]

31 GET ACTIVITY INSTANCE has now only id as parameter
You can now drop naming the parameter with `id=`:
${activities} Get Activity Instance ${process}[id]

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