
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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2022-04-13 Oli I'Anson <>

* use exc.message instead of full_message which was removed in RF 5.0

2021-03-29 Xie Yanbo <>


2021-03-25 lobinho <>

* Adding default empty string tuple to ensure proper formatting of prompt

2020-07-17 Xie Yanbo <>


2020-07-03 Stavros Ntentos

* explicitly declare the dependent package prompt-toolkit must be >=2

2020-05-18 Xie Yanbo <>

* remove selenium's short name s to avoid conflict with command step

2020-05-17 Xie Yanbo <>


* add Debug If keyword
* rename libs' short name from l to ls to avoid conflict with command list

2020-05-09 Xie Yanbo <>


* add step, next, continue, list and longlist commands

2020-05-03 Xie Yanbo <>


* drop python 2 and 3.4 support
* upgrade prompt-toolkit to 2.x
* prompt-toolkit 3 is not compatible with python3.5
* split the huge source file into small pieces
* refactory

2020-04-30 Xie Yanbo <>

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