
Latest version: v0.2.8

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Added permanent link for recent failures (project level)
* Added New Failures count under execution statistics
* Show Automation Issues, Application Issues count in dashboard based on analysis comments
* Update comment modal to include reviewer & issue type fields
* Added jquery datatable to retain search text, Pagination on refresh
* Added 'All' option in page results filter
* Modified execution pass percantage trend in Overall Dashboard


- New UI
- Improved Statistics
- Fixed failures


- Use ApexCharts


- Fix case senstive issue in linux/ubuntu
- New feature `Query` to execute custom queries from web - Beta
- Minor UI changes


- Compare Executions
- Modified UI, Home Page
- Generate Metrics Report
- Delete Executions


Flakiness changes

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