
Latest version: v3.3.3

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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1. Email: Generate email with pie charts similar as dashboard 70
2. Calling robotmetrics without any arguments raises an exception 69
3. Metrics: Show colors of PASS and FAIL texts 68
4. process multiple output.xml 63
5. calling robotmetrics without any arguments raises an exception 55
6. Logo gets distorted 59
7. Email: Metrics stats are not included in email 67

1. Remove send email functionality 66
2. Sending mail via Mailgun API 58 (not valid now)


- Report: Fixed unable to create metrics report (python 2.7) - Issue 46
- Report: Handled ZeroDivisionError when no keywords available - Issue 43
- Datatable: Fixed Show no. entries - Issue 42
- Report: Add provision to disable email from command line - Issue 40
- Minor clean-up

1. Added feasible to export metrics
2. Removed Start & End time from Metrics tables
3. Send Email with metrics.html when .py file is executed
4. Open links under project in new tab
5. Removed 'Comming Soon' link


Whats New

1. UI chages to include more links - future
2. Support arguments to .py to specify: -inputpath filepath, -ouput output.xml file name, -report report.html file name -log log.html file name
3. Few minor UI changes

Customize Report:

1. Add company logo: Modify URL at line no: 12 in .py file
2. One click to JIRA : Modify URL at line no: 298 in .py file
3. One click to Git : Modify URL at line no: 293 in .py file


Updated project folders


1. Generate email with Suite, Test and Keyword Metrics (tabular format)

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