What's Changed
* test python3.10 in actions by Noordsestern in https://github.com/MarketSquare/robotframework-webservice/pull/11
* 8 make executions unique by Noordsestern in https://github.com/MarketSquare/robotframework-webservice/pull/9
Unique executions
8 creates a request-id for every api call and returns it in special header field in response `x-request-id`. When you want to get log and report of an execution, you must retrieve `x-request-id` from the response of your request that triggered the execution. Pass the request id as `executionid` when calling endpoints for `log.html` or `report.html`
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MarketSquare/robotframework-webservice/compare/0.4.0...0.5.0