
Latest version: v2.3.2

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added support for setting pybot cli-variables from ROBOT\_-prefixed
environment variables.



- Implemented custom merge for Robot Framework reports to create better
concatenated test report and fully support Robot Framework plugin for
- Fixed to copy (selenium-)screenshots into the root test directory to
make it easier to publish them in Jenkins.



- Fixed screenshot paths in concatenated report.
- Fixed test names to include suite filename instead of classname.
- Fixed to allow dash in normalized test names.



- Included robotframework test tags as part of tests' string representation
to allow test be filtered with tags (e.g. with `zope.testrunner`_).
- Added creation of concatenated log file.



- Fixed to rename test method of each test after the actual robot framework
test run by the test case.



- Updated README.

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