
Latest version: v2.1.2

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* [FIXED] Software: invalid comment length calculation in binary file header (107)


This hotfix release fixes a comment length calculation issue that generated invalid files headers for some specific file comment lengths.


Not secure
* [FIXED] Python support: overflow in channel merge functionality (106) by [AlexRaimondi](
* [FIXED] Python support: specify tested Python dependencies and automated testing for different environments


This hotfix release fixes a data overflow problem in the Python support library's channel merge functionality that occurs with v1.1 on some platforms.


Not secure
* [FIXED] Hardware: ground loop in cape supply (97)
* [FIXED] Software/web interface: filename length check (96)
* [CHANGED] Binary file format: zero based valid link indexing
* [CHANGED] Binary file format: increment file version to `0x03`
* [ADDED] Ambient sensor logging integrated into the main application
* [ADDED] Python support for RocketLogger data file processing
* [ADDED] Command line option to set file comment field
* [ADDED] Command line option to configure mode of data aggregation when using sampling rates lower than native 1 kSPS
* [ADDED] Binary file format: define additional units for storing ambient sensor data
* [ADDED] Binary file format: distinguish between undefined and unit-less data units


While previous file versions used (undocumented) one-based channel indexing (e.g. for valid links), this was changed to zero-based indexing for consistency reasons and added to the documentation. To reflect this backward incompatible change and format extensions listed above, the file version was incremented to `0x03`. The Python and Matlab analysis scripts were updated to support these changes, while guaranteeing full backward compatibility with files using the older data format.


* [ADDED] First publicly available version

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