To install this version, run `pip install rocketpy==1.8.0`
- DOC: EREBUS Flight Example [757](
- DOC: Lince Flight Example [752](
- DOC: Andromeda Flight Example [754](
- ENH: create a dataset of pre-registered motors. See 664 [744](
- DOC: add Defiance flight example [742](
- ENH: Allow for Alternative and Custom ODE Solvers. [748](
- ENH: Expansion of Encoders Implementation for Full Flights. [679](
- REL: bumps up rocketpy version to 1.8.0 [762](
- ENH: Display more information in MonteCarlo prints and plots [760](
- MNT: move piecewise functions to separate file [746](
- DOC: flight comparison improvements [755](