* Remove support for Python 3.8: [PR 325](
* Add InscopixImagingExtractor: [276](
* Updated testing workflows to include python 3.12, m1/intel macos, and dev tests to check neuroconv: [PR 317](
* Added API documentation: [337](
* Optimized `get_streams` for `BrukerTiffSinglePlaneImagingExtractor` by introducing a static function `get_available_channels` which uses lazy parsing of the XML to fetch the available channels: [344](
* Remove unnecessary `scipy` import error handling: [315](
* Fixed the typing returned by the `InscopixImagingExtractor.get_dtype` method: [326](
* Detect Changelog Updates was moved to its own dedicated workflow to avoid daily testing failures: [336](
* Fixed the Daily testing workflows by passing along the appropriate secrets: [340](
* Change the criteria of determining if Bruker data is volumetric [342](
* Fixes a bug that assumes the channel name is is on the tiff file for `BrukerTiffSinglePlaneImagingExtractor` [343](
* Including `packaging` explicitly in minimal requirements [347](
* Updated requirements to include cv2 and update dev testing locations for neuroconv: [357](
* The `Suite2PSegmentationExtractor` now produces an error when a required sub-file is missin: [330](
* Added `_image_mask` initialization in `BaseSegmentationExtractor`; combined `abstractmethod`s into top of file: [327](
* Optimize parsing of xml with `lxml` library for Burker extractors: [346](
* Protect sima and dill export [351](
* Improve error message when `TiffImagingExtractor` is not able to form memmap [353](
* Updated Check Docstrings workflow to use new github action: [354](
* Updated testing workflows to include python 3.12, m1/intel macos, and dev tests to check neuroconv: [PR 317](
* Added daily testing workflow and fixed bug with python 3.12 by upgrading scanimage-tiff-reader version: [PR 321](
* Remove wheel from requirements and move CI dependencies to test requirements [PR 348](
* Use Spikeinterface instead of Spikeextractors for toy_example [PR 349](