* **Breaking changes**: * `options` extension is no more applied by default ([16](https://github.com/pyrates/roll/pull/16)) * deprecated `req` pytest fixture is now removed ([9](https://github.com/pyrates/roll/pull/9)) * Changed `Roll.hook` signature to also accept kwargs ([5](https://github.com/pyrates/roll/pull/5)) * `json` shorcut sets `utf-8` charset in `Content-Type` header ([13](https://github.com/pyrates/roll/pull/13)) * Added `static` extension to serve static files for development ([16](https://github.com/pyrates/roll/pull/16)) * `cors` accepts `headers` parameter to control `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` ([12](https://github.com/pyrates/roll/pull/12)) * Added `content_negociation` extension to reject unacceptable client requests based on the `Accept` header ([21](https://github.com/pyrates/roll/pull/21)) * Allow to set multiple `Set-Cookie` headers ([23](https://github.com/pyrates/roll/pull/23))
* **Breaking change**: order of parameters in events is always `request`, `response` and optionnaly `error` if any, in that particular order. * Add documentation. * Move project to Github.
* **Breaking change**: routes placeholder syntax changed from `:parameter` to `{parameter}` * Switch routes from kua to autoroutes for performances.
* **Breaking change**: `cors` extension parameter is no longer `value` but `origin` * Improve benchmarks and overall performances.
* Resolve HTTP status only at response write time.