
Latest version: v1.3a1.dev5

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- This is a maintenance release for 1.0.4 to fix a few mostly cosmetic issues. Please refer to the 1.0.4 notes for the substantive plotting changes - for example - in that release.


- The GUI now calls it an Estimated Time to Win and has enhanced explanations in the tool tip that the estimated time is often not be the actual time. We have some additional improvements we plan to make here in future releases.
- Development installers now handle semver development versions correctly.


- Temp space sizes needed for k = 33 and higher were accidentally under-reported. The values we have placed into the GUI may be conservative in being too large and appreciate feedback from the community on the new optimal temp space needed and RAM choices.
- The GUI plotting progress bar was reaching 100% too early. Thanks to davidbb for the PR.
- Help -> About was blank.
- Our estimate for k=32 was about 0.4GiB too low in some cases.
- Building the GUI in especially ARM64 Linux was painful enough to be considered broken.



- Starting approximately April 21, 2021, the GUI will notify you that this version will stop working at block height 193,536 and will persistently warn you from that block on that you can not use this version (or any earlier version) to farm. This is to support the upgrade to the transaction fork.
- We now have translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Australian English, and Pirate. Thanks to fsavaget, darkflare, maahhh, harold_257, kontin, and GunnlaugurCalvi. Yarr - don't be losing your 24 word treasure map...


- The plotter in bitfield mode is much improved in plotting speed (~15% faster than in 1.0.3), now requires 28% less temporary space (238.3 GiB/256 GB), and now uses its maximum memory in phase 1 and only needs 3389MiB for optimal sorting of a k32. Total writes should also be down by about 20%. On almost all machines we expect bitfield to be as fast or faster. For CPUs that predate the [Nehalem architecture](, bitfield plotting will not work and you will need to use no bitfield. Those CPUs were generally designed before 2010.
- The `src` directory in rolls-blockchain has been changed to `rolls` to avoid namespace collisions.
- GUI install builds have been simplified to rely on one `.spec` file in `rolls/`
- The weight proof timeout can now be configured in config.yaml.
- Peer discovery is now retried more often after you receive initial peers.


- We have made significant improvements and bug fixes to stop blockchain and wallet database corruption issues.
- We now pass the environment into the Daemon and this should solve some Windows and MacOS startup bugs.
- The ARM64 .deb installer will now work well on Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or newer.
- We have made improvements in weight proof generation and saving.
- Wallet start up would have a race condition that output a harmless error on startup.
- Thanks for a typo fix from alfonsoperez.



- This is a minor bug fix release for version 1.0.2
- You should review the [release notes for v1.0.2]( but we especially want to point out that wallet sync is much faster than in 1.0.1 and earlier versions.


- An incorrect merge brought in unreleased features and broke `rolls keys`.
- Omitted from the 1.0.2 changelog, we fixed one crash in harvester with the release of chiapos 1.0.0 as well.



- We have released version 1.0.0 of [chiapos]( This includes a 20% speed increase for bitfield plotting compared to the previous version on the same machine. In many cases this will mean that bitfield plotting is as fast or faster than non bitfield plotting.
- xorinox improved our support for RedHat related distributions in ``.
- ayaseen improved our support for RedHat related distributions in ``.
- We have added Dutch and Polish to supported translations. Thanks psydafke, WesleyVH, pieterhauwaerts, bartlomiej.tokarzewski, abstruso, feel.the.code, and Axadiw for contributions to [translations on Crowdin](
- The GUI now supports "Exclude final directory" when plotting. This is found in the Advanced Options for step 2 on the plot creation page.


- Wallet now uses a trusted node and, when syncing from that node, Wallet does not do as many validations.
- jespino changed `rolls keys show` to require the `--show-mnemonic-seed` before it displays your 24 work private key mnemonic.
- We decreased the size of the block cache in node to perform better with longer chains.
- You can now add a private key mnemonic from a file with `rolls keys show`.
- Flofie caught an error in
- We no longer rely on aiter so it has been removed.
- Keyring deprecated the use of OS_X in favor of MacOS.
- "Broken pipe" error was decreased to a warning.
- Many non critical log messages were decreased from warning to info log level.
- Harvester should now log the plot file name if it finds a bad plot at error log level.


- Peer ips were being written to the database on a per ip basis. This caused a lot of wasted disk activity and was costing full node performance.
- We fixed an issue where the last block wasn't fetched by the GUI.
- There was an edge case with full node store that can stall syncing.
- There was a potential node locking issue that could have prevented a Timelord from getting a new peak and cause a chain stall.
- We did not correctly support some Crowdin locales. Pirate English was starting to overwrite US English for example.



- There is now a simple progress bar on the GUI Plot page and when you view the log from the three dots on the right.
- Users must now explicitly set the `--show-mnemonic-seed` flag to see their private keys when running `rolls keys show`.
- We are now building Linux GUI installers. These should be considered beta quality for now.
- Translations now available for German, Traditional Chinese, and Danish. Thanks to Dravenex, MaestroOnICe, loudsyncro, loppefaaret, thirteenthd, wong8888, N418, and swjz for all the translation help. You to can translate at our [Crowdin project](


- The mainnet genesis is now in the initial config.yaml and the green flag components have been removed.
- Our release process and branching strategy has changed. will be updated in the main branch soon with details.
- This mainnet release does not migrate previous testnet configuration files.


- Weight proofs, especially wallet weight proofs were failing when some Blueboxed proofs of time were encountered.
- Users can now pip install e.g. rolls-blockchain==1.0.1 on most platforms.
- Sometimes the GUI had an error regarding MainWindow.



- This is the first production release of the PecanRolls Blockchain. This can be installed and will wait for the green flag that will be dropped at approximately 7AM PDST (14:00 UTC) on Friday March 19, 2021. All farming rewards from that point forward will be considered valid and valuable ROLLS. There is a six week lock on all transactions. During those six weeks farmers will be earning their farming rewards but those rewards can not be spent.
- Initial difficulty will be set for 100PB. This may mean the initial epoch may be slow. Mainnet difficulty resets are targeted for 24 hours so this difficulty will adjust to the actual space brought online in 24 to 48 hours after launch.
- Transactions are not enabled in the 1.0.0 version and will be soft forked in during the six week period via a 1.1.0 release.
- There will also be a 1.0.1 release after the green flag process is complete to simplify install for new users by removing the green flag alert. In the interim there will be new testnet releases using the 1.1bx version scheme.
- Starting with release 1.0.0 you usually no longer need to upgrade and 1.0.1 will be fully optional. However you will have to upgrade to 1.1 after it is out and before the six week period ends. We plan to give plenty of time between those two events up to and including pushing back the transaction start date by a short period of time.
- Thank you to L3Sota for adding a Japanese translation via our [Crowdin project](
- The generation of CoinIDs is now unique on mainnet to avoid testnet transaction replays.
- Validation of transactions will now fail after the expiration of the six week period.


- Weight proof request timeout was increased to 180 seconds.
- Mainnet uses port 8444 and other constants and service names were changed for mainnet.
- GUI locales are now extracted and compiled in `npm run build`.
- Daemon now logs to STDERR also.


- GUI plotting on some Macs was not working due to locale issues with Click.
- Thank you L3Sota for bringing this log back into 2021.
- The errant warning on Electron startup has been removed. Thanks dkackman.

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