[added] For column definitions that previously took a `keygen` argument, you
can isntead pass a `keygen2` argument. This `keygen2` argument will be a
callable that accepts 2 arguments, the name of the key, and the dictionary
representing the data that will be written to Redis when the save has been
completed - warning: modifying this dictionary could lead to unpredictable
and/or unexpected behavior
[changed] If an explicit keygen/keygen2 argument is specified on column
creation, you must pass `index=True`, `prefix=True`, or `suffix=True` to
prevent errors
[changed] Previously if a keygen and any either prefix/suffix were set to True
on column creation, you would get "as a bonus" a numeric index for sorting
data by that column. To re-enable this, you must pass `index=True` (the
extra index was not intended)
[changed] If your keygen function returns a dictionary, that dictionary can be
used for both full-text indexes as well as scored value indexes - None or
empty string values in the dictionary will be used for string keys,
numeric values will be used for numeric indexes
[fixed] Tests for index cleanup would fail under Redis 2.6, even though that
test failure was expected under Redis 2.6 . That specific test is now
skipped, and the warning produced during index cleanup informs the user of
the Redis 2.6 issue. Thanks to Github user https://github.com/thedrow for
the PR that demonstrated this issue
[added] Thanks to Github user https://github.com/thedrow for additional tests
for various Redis versions via Travis-ci
[added] Thanks to Github user https://github.com/jmmills for the PR to provide
the ability to use the environment variable ROM_REDIS_URI to pass
connection configuration information into rom
[fixed] Script execution after "SCRIPT FLUSH" has mostly been fixed, thanks to
Github user https://github.com/thedrow for the initial PR/bug report for
updating to fix new Redis client versions - note that you really should
restart your rom-using daemons after a SCRIPT FLUSH call to Redis.