
Latest version: v0.15.1

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- Added grism to the CRDS tests [ 225]




- Added sorting to test parameters to preserve order for tests done by parallel pytest workers. [136]

- Update setup.cfg to match JWST warnings & error list and initial pass for code fixes. (188)

- Added grism to the regression tests [ 222]

- Update README and CHANGES.rst [195]

- Added sorting to test parameters to preserve order for tests done by parallel
pytest workers. [136]

- Update setup for more strict PEP8 checking [176]

- Added documentation for rmask files. [181]


- Make necessary changes to use roman_datamodels that is based on the tag approach [212]

- Add cal_step added to datamodels [177]

- Updated model subclass code - changed from returning a generator to a set
for use with more complicated model selections. [169]

- Corrected time format in tests to astropy time objects. [169]

- Cleaned up old tests to better reflect present models. [169]

- Added check for core metadata inclusion in non-reference files. [169]

- Add Photom Schema [200]




- Create stpipe module which provides Roman-specific Step and Pipeline
subclasses. [103, 128]


- Clean up and improve flatfield step. [122]


- Add unit tests for the dark current subtraction step [168]

- Add dark current subtraction step for use with WFI data [146]

- Add datamodel and schema for mask files [143]

- Update output_ext in the base Step class to .asdf from .fits [127]

- Added ``RampModel``, ``GLS_RampFitModel``, ``RampFitOutputModel`` and
schemas. [110]

- Update core schema with latest filter information [97]

- Add the variable arrays to the schema & datamodel for Image files [93]

- Add Roman Readnoise model [90]

- Add Gain Model Schema [82]

- Added ``DQModel`` and schemas. [81]




- First release of romancal. Includes the core metadata and a ``FlatModel``.

- Update date strings in schemas and tests from strings to astropy objects [32]

- Add Ramp Model Schema [56]

- Update Flat Schema for DQ Array DType [55]

- Add exptype information for roman data [41]

- Use Astropy Time Objects in date and Useafter [32]

- Add level 1 schema file for Wide Field Imaging model [31]

- Create a Data Models sub-package for Roman [17]

- Use the ASDF pytest plugin to validate the datamodels schemas [6]

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