
Latest version: v0.18.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- PR 64 Added base as core dependency


- PR 56 Ensure that discovery of R versions on linux is done invoking the command, rather than Rcmd


- 52 Added roo environment options to see the available R versions to use when generating an environment
- 50 Added --r-version to environment init to specify the R version to use for the environment


- 45 Fixed restrictive detection of R path on linux machines


- 43 Added Documentation on usage
- 42 Add local source to use CRAN-like entries on our local disk
- 40 Allow to specify priority in sources
- 38, 39 Improve concurrency issues
- 37 Removed user notifier in favor of full rich console
- 35 Improved logic for automatic detection of R path
- 36 Handle dependencies with R of different versions (support R 4)
- 33 Verify the version of R in the init file, and use the environment data for version info
- 30 Fixed: roo install installs on default environment
- 28 environment init with no value will raise confusing exceptions


- First public release

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