
Latest version: v0.12.0

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- Updated managedstate dependency

No breaking changes.


- Moved params from Game constructor into Config
- Added Config.GET_INPUT_EVENTS to allow injection of custom event getter if pygame.event.get() is insufficient
- Renamed variables using 'event' in their name to either use 'game event' or 'input event' instead, to distinguish between triggered game events and input events that are polled each game loop

This release features breaking changes in the form of altered method signatures and renamed classes.


- Restructured package directory
- Added config file which is passed into Game upon instantiation
- Heavily refactored ObserverHandler and renamed to EventHandler
- Added EventKey enum to expose keys for events which are triggered in this package
- Added EntityDataKey enum to expose keys for subsections of the game state corresponding to individual entities, as these subsections are not mapped out automatically by State.with_extensions(Registrar).get_shape()
- Added CustomClassHandler to deal with locating classes via string names
- Hitbox tags list has been abstracted into config file
- Sundry improvements to comments and docstrings

This release features various breaking changes, and should be handled with care.


- Updated objectextensions and managedstate dependencies
- Moved ErrorMessages from constants file to methods file

No breaking changes.


- Renamed Entity to Renderable
- Renamed RoomOccupant to Entity
(The above 2 changes mean that Entity now refers to a different class than the one it previously did)
- Added stats folder to package manifest

This release features breaking changes.


- Added Stat and derived classes
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Miscellaneous variable renames
- Updates to documentation, type hints etc.
- Major refactor of AnimationHandler to facilitate generating frames from sprite sheets

This release features various breaking changes.

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