
Latest version: v0.9.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies



- Don't capture stderr when running git commands. `179 <>`_
- Enable CI testing on Windows now that tests pass. `180 <>`_
- Switch to a raw string for various regexes. `174 <>`_
- Make path operations and conversions portable in tests. `177 <>`_
- Don't use os.path.sep for creating tar paths. `178 <>`_



- List 'ROS Infrastructure Team' as the package maintainer. `168 <>`_
- Add GitHub Actions workflow for rosdistro CI. `160 <>`_
- Declare test dependencies in [test] extra. `169 <>`_
- Run tests with pytest instead of nose. `167 <>`_
- Drop support for python < 2.7. `166 <>`_
- Use unittest.mock where possible. `165 <>`_
- Update release distributions. `164 <>`_
- Use yaml.safe_load. `162 <>`_



Has known vulnerabilities

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