
Latest version: v1.2.20

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> Release time: 2020-09-07 17:22:19

🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In particular,
wangfeng, 🙇

🐞 Bug fixes
- [[04f3d7b7](] __-__ __trainer__: revert commit (*wangfeng*)

🍹 Other Improvements
- [[960c0757](] __-__ __changelog__: update change log to v1.2.10 (*wangfeng*)


> Release time: 2020-09-07 17:12:41

🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In particular,
wangfeng, 🙇

🆕 New Features
- [[d0451480](] __-__ add pacakge to manage utilization scripts (*wangfeng*)
- [[05e78989](] __-__ __optimizer__: add adadelta and adafactor optimizer (*wangfeng*)

🐞 Bug fixes
- [[6ecec44c](] __-__ __trainer__: minor improvement code (*wangfeng*)
- [[7ab30c5f](] __-__ __scheduler__: warmup lr from zero instead of min_lr (*wangfeng*)

🍹 Other Improvements
- [[13693a6c](] __-__ ... (*wangfeng*)
- [[550c25fa](] __-__ __changelog__: update change log to v1.2.9 (*wangfeng*)


> Release time: 2020-08-28 20:03:04

🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In particular,
wangfeng, 🙇

🐞 Bug fixes
- [[70a7263d](] __-__ __scheduler__: fix bugs to enable minimal_lr (*wangfeng*)

🍹 Other Improvements
- [[1abe15af](] __-__ __changelog__: update change log to v1.2.8 (*wangfeng*)


> Release time: 2020-08-28 18:23:22

🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In particular,
wangfeng, 🙇

🆕 New Features
- [[8624d471](] __-__ __scheduler__: support min_lr param for only (*wangfeng*)

🍹 Other Improvements
- [[52cad880](] __-__ __changelog__: update change log to v1.2.7 (*wangfeng*)


> Release time: 2020-08-28 13:13:18

🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In particular,
wangfeng, 🙇

🆕 New Features
- [[8f126c1a](] __-__ __checkpoint__: enable resume model params from checkpoint only (*wangfeng*)

🐞 Bug fixes
- [[455a608e](] __-__ __evaluator__: fix eval mode works (*wangfeng*)

🍹 Other Improvements
- [[bf3128d6](] __-__ __changelog__: update change log to v1.2.6 (*wangfeng*)


> Release time: 2020-08-27 18:02:50

🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In particular,
wangfeng, 🙇

🆕 New Features
- [[48855041](] __-__ __optimizer__: add make_parameter_groups implement from allennlp (*wangfeng*)

📗 Documentation
- [[5d7ab4e7](] __-__ __readme__: add more refers (*wangfeng*)

🍹 Other Improvements
- [[be288ebe](] __-__ __optimizer__: fix missing import (*wangfeng*)
- [[9bce131e](] __-__ __trainer__: fix prefetcher to make it work with DDP (*wangfeng*)
- [[b275f08b](] __-__ __changelog__: update change log to v1.2.5 (*wangfeng*)

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