
Latest version: v0.6

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- :ref:`emd_fei-format`: Enforce setting identical units for the ``x`` and ``y`` axes, as convenience to use the scalebar in HyperSpy. (`243 <>`_)
- :ref:`quantumdetector-format`: Add support for dask distributed scheduler. (`267 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- :ref:`emd_fei-format`: Fix conversion of offset units which can sometimes mismatch the scale units. (`243 <>`_)
- :ref:`ripple-format`: Fix typo and improve error message for unsupported ``dtype`` in writer. (`251 <>`_)
- :ref:`emd_fei-format`: Fix parsing elements from EDS data from velox emd file v11. (`274 <>`_)


- Use ``ruff`` for code formating and linting. (`250 <>`_)
- Fix ``tifffile`` deprecation. (`262 <>`_)
- Add support for ``python-box`` 7. (`263 <>`_)




- :ref:`Renishaw wdf <renishaw-format>`:

- return survey image instead of saving it to the metadata and add marker of the mapping area on the survey image.
- Add support for reading data with invariant axis, for example when the values of the Z axis doesn't change.
- Parse calibration of ``jpg`` images saved with Renishaw Wire software. (`227 <>`_)
- Add support for reading :ref:`emd <emd_fei-format>` Velox version 11. (`232 <>`_)
- Add :ref:`making test data files <making_test_files>` section to contributing guide, explain characteristics of "good" test data files. (`233 <>`_)
- :ref:`Quantum Detector <quantumdetector-format>` reader: use timestamps to get navigation shape when the navigation shape is not available - for example, acquisition with pixel trigger or scan shape not in metadata. (`235 <>`_)
- Improve setting output size for an image. (`244 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Fix saving ``hspy`` file with empty array (signal or metadata) and fix closing ``hspy`` file when a error occurs during reading or writing. (`206 <>`_)
- Fix saving ragged arrays of vectors from/to a chunked ``hspy`` and ``zspy`` store. Greatly increases the speed of saving and loading ragged arrays from chunked datasets. (`211 <>`_)
- Fix saving ragged array of strings in ``hspy`` and ``zspy`` format. (`217 <>`_)
- Fix setting beam energy for XRF maps in ``bcf`` files. (`231 <>`_)
- :ref:`Quantum Detector <quantumdetector-format>` reader: fix setting chunks. (`235 <>`_)


- Add ``POOCH_BASE_URL`` to specify the base url used by pooch to download test data. This fixes the failure of the ``package_and_test.yml`` workflow in pull requests where test data are added or updated. (`200 <>`_)
- Fix documentation links following release of hyperspy 2.0. (`210 <>`_)
- Run test suite on osx arm64 on GitHub CI and speed running test suite using all available CPUs (3 or 4) instead of only 2. (`222 <>`_)
- Fix deprecation warnings introduced with numpy 1.25 ("Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, ..."). (`230 <>`_)
- Fix numpy 2.0 removal (``np.product`` and ``np.string_``). (`238 <>`_)
- Fix download test data when using ``pytest --pyargs rsciio -n``. (`245 <>`_)



New features

- Add :func:`rsciio.set_log_level` to set the logging level of ``RosettaSciIO`` (`69 <>`_)
- Added the :func:`~rsciio.utils.distributed.memmap_distributed` function for loading a memmap file
from multiple processes.

- Added the arguments ``distributed`` and ``metadata_file`` to the .mrc file reader for loading metadata
save from DirectElectron detectors.
- Speed up to the .mrc file reader for large .mrc files by removing the need to reshape
and transpose the data. (`162 <>`_)
- Add support for saving lazy ragged signals to the :ref:`zspy format<zspy-format>`. (`193 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Fix error when reading :ref:`pantarhei-format` file with aperture ``"Out"`` (`173 <>`_)
- Improvement for installation without ``numba``:

- Fix :ref:`tvips <tvips-format>` reader
- Allow reading and writing :ref:`EMD NCEM <emd_ncem-format>` file
- Fix running test suite without optional dependencies (`182 <>`_)
- Fix getting version on debian/ubuntu in system-wide install. Add support for installing from git archive and improve getting development version using setuptools `fallback_version <>`_ (`#187 <>`_)
- Fix ``dwell_time`` reading in :ref:`QuantumDetectors <quantumdetector-format>` reader (``.mib`` file). The
``dwell_time`` is stored in milliseconds, not microseconds as the previous code
assumed. (`189 <>`_)


- Remove usage of deprecated ``distutils`` (`152 <>`_)
- Fix installing exspy/hyperspy on GitHub CI and test failing without optional dependencies (`186 <>`_)
- Unpin pillow now that imageio supports pillow>=10.1.0 (`188 <>`_)
- Simplify GitHub CI workflows by using reusable workflow (`190 <>`_)

.. _changes_0.2:



New features

- Add support for reading the ``.img``-format from :ref:`Hamamatsu <hamamatsu-format>`. (`87 <>`_)
- Add support for reading the ``.mib``-format from :ref:`Quantum Detector Merlin <quantumdetector-format>` camera. (`174 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Fix saving/reading ragged arrays with :ref:`hspy<hspy-format>`/:ref:`zspy<zspy-format>` plugins (`164 <>`_)
- Fixes slow loading of ragged :ref:`zspy<zspy-format>` arrays (168) (`169 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Improve docstrings, check API links when building documentation and set GitHub CI to fail when link is broken (`142 <>`_)
- Add zenodo doi to documentation (`149 <>`_)
- Update intersphinx mapping links of matplotlib/numpy. (`150 <>`_)


- Add option to show progress bar when saving lazy signals to :ref:`hspy<hspy-format>`/:ref:`zspy<zspy-format>` files (`170 <>`_)
- Make ``numba`` and ``h5py`` optional dependencies to support RosettaSciIO on `pyodide <>`_ and `PyPy <>`_ (`#180 <>`_)


- Remove deprecated ``record_by`` attribute in :ref:`hspy <hspy-format>`/:ref:`zspy <zspy-format>`, (`143 <>`_)
- Add ``sidpy`` dependency and pin it to <0.12.1 as a workaround to fix ``pyusid`` import (`155 <>`_)
- Update :ref:`hspy<hspy-format>`/:ref:`zspy<zspy-format>` plugins to new markers API introduced in HyperSpy 2.0 (`164 <>`_)
- Pin pillow<10.1.0 until imageio supports newer pillow version - see (`#175 <>`_)
- Update the test suite and the CI workflows to work with and without exspy installed (`176 <>`_)
- Add badges that became available after first release (`177 <>`_)

.. _changes_0.1:



New features

- Add support for reading the ``.xml``-format from Horiba :ref:`Jobin Yvon <jobinyvon-format>`'s LabSpec software. (`25 <>`_)
- Add support for reading the ``.tvf``-format from :ref:`TriVista <trivista-format>`. (`27 <>`_)
- Add support for reading the ``.wdf``-format from :ref:`Renishaw's WIRE <renishaw-format>` software. (`55 <>`_)
- Added subclassing of ``.sur`` files in CL signal type and updated metadata parsing (`98 <>`_)
- Add optional kwarg to tiff reader ``multipage_as_list`` which when set to True uses ``pages`` interface and returns list of signal for every page with full metadata. (`104 <>`_)
- Add file reader and writer for PRZ files generated by :ref:`CEOS PantaRhei <pantarhei-format>` (`HyperSpy 2896 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Ensure that the ``.msa`` plugin handles ``SIGNALTYPE`` values according to the official format specification. (`39 <>`_)
- Fix error when reading Velox file containing FFT with an odd number of pixels (`49 <>`_)
- Fix error when reading JEOL ``.pts`` file with un-ordered frame list or when length of ``frame_start_index`` is smaller than the sweep count (`68 <>`_)
- Fix exporting scalebar with reciprocal units containing space (`90 <>`_)
- Fix array indexing bug when loading a ``sur`` file format containing spectra series. (`98 <>`_)
- For more robust xml to dict conversion, ``convert_xml_to_dict`` is replaced by ``XmlToDict`` (introduced by PR 111). (`101 <>`_)
- Fix bugs with reading non-FEI and Velox ``mrc`` files, improve documentation of ``mrc`` and ``mrcz`` file format. Closes `71 <>`_, `#91 <>`_, `#93 <>`_, `#96 <>`_, `#130 <>`_. (`#131 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Consolidate docstrings and documentation for all plugins (see also `47 <>`_, `#59 <>`_, `#64 <>`_, `#72 <>`_) (`#76 <>`_)
- Remove persistent search field in left sidebar since this makes finding the sidebar on narrow screens difficult.
Set maximal major version of Sphinx to 5. (`84 <>`_)


- Remove deprecated ``record_by`` attribute from file readers where remaining (`102 <>`_)


- Recognise both byte and string object for ``NXdata`` tag in NeXus reader (`112 <>`_)

API changes

- Move, enhance and share xml to dict/list translation and other tools (new api for devs) from ``Bruker._api`` to utils:
``utils.date_time_tools.msfiletime_to_unix`` function to convert the uint64 MSFILETIME to datetime.datetime object.
```` function to sanitize some MSXML generated xml where comma is used as float decimal separator.
```` Xml to dict/list translator class with rich customization options as kwargs, and main method for translation ``dictionarize`` (`111 <>`_)


- Initiate GitHub actions for tests and documentation. (`1 <>`_)
- Initiate towncrier changelog and create templates for PRs and issues. (`3 <>`_)
- Add github CI workflow to check links, build docs and push to the ``gh-pages`` branch. Fix links and add EDAX reference file specification (`4 <>`_)
- Add azure pipelines CI to run test suite using conda-forge packages. Add pytest and coverage configuration in ``pyproject.toml`` (`6 <>`_)
- Fix minimum install, add corresponding tests build and tidy up leftover code (`13 <>`_)
- Fixes and code consistency improvements based on analysis provided by (`23 <>`_)
- Added github action for code scanning using the codeQL engine. (`26 <>`_)
- Following the deprecation cycle announced in `HyperSpy <>`_,
the following keywords and attributes have been removed:

- :ref:`Bruker composite file (BCF) <bruker-format>`: The ``'spectrum'`` option for the
``select_type`` parameter was removed. Use 'spectrum_image' instead.
- :ref:`Electron Microscopy Dataset (EMD) NCEM <emd_ncem-format>`: Using the
keyword ``'dataset_name'`` was removed, use ``'dataset_path'`` instead.
- :ref:`NeXus data format <nexus-format>`: The ``dataset_keys``, ``dataset_paths``
and ``metadata_keys`` keywords were removed. Use ``dataset_key``, ``dataset_path``
and ``metadata_key`` instead. (`30 <>`_)
- Unify the ``format_name`` scheme of IO plugins using ``name`` instead and add ``name_aliases`` (list) for backwards compatibility. (`35 <>`_)
- Add drone CI to test on ``arm64``/``aarch64`` platform (`42 <>`_)
- Unify naming of folders/submodules to match documented format ``name`` (`81 <>`_)
- Add black as a development dependency.
Add pre-commit configuration file with black code style check, which when installed will require changes to pass a style check before commiting. (`86 <>`_)
- Add support for python-box 7 (`100 <>`_)
- Migrate to API v3 of ``imageio.v3`` (`106 <>`_)
- Add explicit support for python 3.11 and drop support for python 3.6, 3.7 (`109 <>`_)
- Remove test data from packaging and download them when necessary (`123 <>`_)
- Define packaging in ``pyproject.toml`` and keep ```` to handle compilation of C extension (`125 <>`_)
- Add release GitHub workflow to automate release process and add corresponding documentation in ` <>`_ (`#126 <>`_)
- Add pre-commit hook to update test data registry and to run from pull request (`129 <>`_)
- Tidy up ``rsciio`` namespace: privatise ``docstrings``, move ```` and ``exceptions`` to tests and utils folder, respectively (`132 <>`_)

Initiation (2022-07-23)

- RosettaSciIO was split out of the `HyperSpy repository
<>`_ on July 23, 2022. The IO-plugins
and related functions so far developed in HyperSpy were moved to this
new repository.



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