- 6 instructions after init give misleading source command with relative path - moved to github, new issue counter - 68 common vcs command shortcuts up, st, rm and di - unit tests run under python3 - bugfix 65 string_diff bug - bugfix 63 broken import of vcstools version caused by missing import - 10 Patch for detecting ROS_ROOT
- Fixing dependencies for release
- fixed some minor bugs around subfolders containing files named .rosinstall - python3 compatibility improved (might still be buggy) - code base cleaned with pychecker and friends - minor improvements to text output - fix 47 support for launchpad urls, no more conflict on update - fix broken scripts rosco, py-rosws-stacks - bugfix 56 setup.sh broken for python3 systems (arch linux) - bugfix 55 rosws and rosinstall, diff and status
- improved generated file code - workaround for 55 (rosinstall only), missing newlines after diff and status (hg and svn)
- 42 implemented rosinstall --verbose and rosws update --verbose to show what files have changed