
Latest version: v0.5.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Initial release into Noetic
* Decode base64-encoded byte arrays as unicode
* Make tests compatible with python3
* add check for python3 str serializing `33 <>`_ (`34 <>`_)
* efficient conversion of primitive array to ros type (`31 <>`_)
* efficient conversion of primitive array
* removed unused _convert_from_ros_primitive
* optionally ignore extra fields when deserializing (`29 <>`_)
* Remove EOL distros indigo + lunar from CI
* travis CI: Use matrix to split ROS distros
* Update README (convert to md, add build status)
* Contributors: Martin Günther, George Hartt, Jannik Abbenseth, Omri Rozenzaft


* Initial release into Lunar and Melodic
* Remove support for Jade (EOL)
* Change maintainer from Brandon Alexander to Martin Günther
* Move repo from baalexander to uos
* Add serialize_deserialize to unit tests, fix incorrect tests caught by this
* Remove dependency on ROS master in tests; all tests are now unit
tests (`18 <>`_)
* Add service request/response support (`17 <>`_)
* Fix fixed-size uint8 array conversion failure (`15 <>`_)
* Fix unicode handling in string fields (`13 <>`_)
* Enable testing only if CATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING is set (`9 <>`_)
* Contributors: Martin Günther, Brandon Alexander, George Laurent, Jean-Baptiste Doyon, Viktor Schlegel, Rein Appeldoorn, Will Baker, neka-nat


* Adds support for ROS Jade
* Removes support for ROS Groovy and Hydro (EOL)
* Uses single branch for all ROS versions
* Docker support for local development and Travis CI


* Adds support for ROS Indigo


* Updates to ROS Hydro
* Builds and runs tests with Travis CI


* Documents Python functions
* Throws error if invalid JSON or dictionary

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