
Latest version: v8.3.1

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Added support for block input validation when using resource unpacking


Enable unpacking resources (adding also the sub-resources to the test's dict)
Syntax: ResourceClass.request().unpack()

Issue: blocks input validation still doesn't consider unpacked subresources


Removed redundant dependency on pywin32


Enabled starting and stopping monitors manually with designated blocks:

from rotest.core.utils.useful_blocks import StartMonitorBlock, StopMonitorBlock
blocks = [
StartMonitorBlock.params(monitor_name='my_monitor'), Supply monitor name
StartMonitorBlock.params(monitor_class=MyMonitorClass), Alternatively supply class
StopMonitorBlock, Optional, otherwise monitors die when the main flow ends


Fixed bug: 'name' parameter to blocks/flow raises a 'not recognized input' error


* Enable sending data from sub-data when requesting sub-resources (r=Resource.request(data=MyData.sub.field)
* Added (back) the DataPointer class, that implements this behavior under the hood. It can also be used by itself (r=Resource.request(field=DataPointer("my_data_field_name"))
* Updated docs accordingly

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