
Latest version: v0.9.9

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* switched to data-persistent developer sandbox API instance
* users are limited to a maximum of 5 pending device authorizations
* complete_device_authorization will return a new, valid otp key if given an expired key
* begin/complete_device_authorization have useful errors
* users.create and wallets.create accept either a passphrase or a pre-generated CoinOp wallet object
* cleanup and bugfixes
* user email query
* client.user is no longer a property and must be called with parens
* accepts an optional email parameter for instantiating a user object to use with begin/complete_device_authorization
* authentication parameters
* more/most arguments are required
* removed app_url from authenticate_device and added user_email
* formatting
* deprecated multiple-authentication syntax
* added timestamp argument for developer auth - make sure your system is syncing with a time server!



First alpha release

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