
Latest version: v2.6.3

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Bug Fixes

- `rouver.handler`: `RouteHandlerBase.parse_args()` can now be called
inside `prepare_response()`.


API Additions

- `rouver.args`: Add `ArgumentParser`.


- `rouver.handler`: `RouteHandlerBase.parse_args()` can now be called
multiple times.


API Additions

- `rouver.handler`: Add `RouteHandlerBase.parse_json_request()`.
- `rouver.handler`: Add `RouteHandlerBase.respond_with_content()`.
- `rouver.response`: Add `respond_with_content()`.


- Include Content-Length header in JSON and HTML responses.

Bug Fixes

- Use first matching route handler, instead of crashing when multiple routes


Bug Fixes

- `rouver.router`: Ignore trailing slashes.


API-Incompatible Changes

- `rouver.handler`: RouteHandlerBase is now an ordinary WSGI application.
It takes an WSGI environment and a start response handler as constructor
- `rouver.handler`: Redesign RouteHandlerBase API. Implementations must now
implement `prepare_response()` instead of `__iter__()`.
- `rouver.handler`: All response methods now return an iterable instead
of an iterator.
- `rouver.handler`: `RouteHandlerBase.path_args` is now acquired from the
WSGI environment and will not contain the wildcard path.
- `rouver.response`: All response functions now return an iterable instead
of an iterator.
- `rouver.router`: `add_routes()` now requires a regular WSGI
application instead of a route handler.
- `rouver.types`: Remove `RouteHandler`. `RouteDescription` now expects
an `WSGIApplication` in the third field.

API Additions

- `rouver.handler`: Add `RouterHandlerBase.wildcard_path`.
- `rouver.router`: Add a field `rouver.path_args` to the WSGI environment
that contains the path arguments formerly passed to route handlers as the
second argument. The wildcard path is not added to this field.
- `rouver.router`: Add a field `rouver.wildcard_path` to the WSGI
environment that contains the wildcard path or the empty string.


API Additions

- `rouver.router`: Support sub-routers.

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